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The image shows the text "STUDIO 447" in large, bold, transparent letters against a white background.

From initial planning concepts to final detailing, we address Multi-Family + Residential architecture with a personal approach focused on lifestyle, comfort, and aesthetics.


With a growing portfolio of townhouses and apartments, and experience with senior living and high-rise condominiums, we design each to balance the needs of the area market, any financial parameters, and ever-evolving amenity trends. We consider three "clients" when designing these unique projects - the developer, the end-user, and the community - and aim for each to benefit from our designs.

Reclaim Restfulness
Posner Park Townhomes

This project involved the development of a new community of modern townhomes within the vibrant Posner Park area of Davenport, Florida. Including new infrastructure and luxurious amenities, this development aims to provide high-quality and low-maintenance living options to a diverse range of residents - including tourists, young professionals, families, and retirees.