A hotel stay is not judged solely by the guestroom, but by the overall experience - the views, the food, technology, rituals, textures, and atmosphere all combine to create a sense of place. A memory.
Studio 407 strives to create environments that enhance and frame the guest experience from beginning to end. We design world-class venues that establish identity, create positive energy, and serve as destinations for our partners and their guests. We know the immense value of our clients' brands, and strive for designs that foster guest loyalty and enjoyment - ultimately elevating the brand through an exceptional guest experience.
Polynesian Village Resort
The replacement of the existing Monorail Station includes an enhanced entrance with a new porte-cochère showcasing the iconic midcentury architecture the Polynesian is famous for. The project is part of a larger set of renovations intended to improve the overall hotel experience.
Our Experience at a Glance